Jim Salling
Owner and Chief Strategist
Jim Salling is 76 years old and drawing full Social Security. He is old enough to be retired, but is not retired and probably never will be. Helping retirees live with dignity and independence is his number one hobby. It is not hard work like building and erecting signs. He retired from that job when he graduated from college. He enjoys travel, hunting, fishing, boating and shooting clay targets but he connot do any of these day in and day out like his business. Unlike his competitors, Jim is doing this because he wants to, not because he has to.
Jim Salling has been in the financial services business since 1970. He has been married to his first wife since 1970. He has lived at the same address in Sherman since 1976. He has had the same office address since 1991 and the same business phone number since 1988. Since he has lived in Sherman, every bank and securities firm in Sherman and Denison has changed names and/or ownership or was non-existent in 1976. Jim has been here and intends to stay here.
Over the past 48 years, Jim has never had a complaint filed against him. The easiest way to check him out is to log on to www.ethics.net and do a search on James Salling. You will see that after a thorough background check he was found clean and approved. He feels that if he would not offer a financial product to his family, he would not offer it to his clients.
The mission of Jim Salling is not to plant an acorn and turn it into a giant oak tree in a short period of time. His mission is to make sure those acorns are not lost. Principal protection is the number one priority. He strives to get a reasonable rate of return over time. He uses simplicity, math and logic so his clients can understand the strategies they choose to grow their money, receive a secure income and pass their legacy on to the next generation or favorite charities.